Thursday 3 May 2007

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Hey everybody, it's Patricia May's birthday today! 21 again! Quite a streak she has going... Happy Birthday, Mum! We miss you! XOXOXOXOXO

Jack (aka Ryan) and Noodles (aka Lara) are having a most excellent time: although we've decided that Noodles is part feline. She's a sleepy kitty-person. The weather has held for them, and actually improved if anything. We pushed 25 degrees C yesterday. We'll post more about their travels soon (pictures too, Ma!). Highlights include the Rock of Cashel, Waterford County's Copper Coast, and Jack Meade's Pub under the bridge. Downes' with the lads tonight after carousing around town.

Today we're picking up the car: it's after getting fixed, finally. Took me ages to take it in.

Shrugs and whispers from Jack and Noodles to everyone back home! Time to push them out into the world, before the crack of noon.


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