Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas Play-by-play

Well. Giving thanks that we decided to stay put this Christmas, given the weather in England this weekend: "travel misery eases."

Welcome back to the running commentary on our first Christmas in Ireland. Christmas Eve continued with PK upstairs at the wrapping station, and me making sausage rolls. Christmas Eve dinner this year was sausage rolls, homemade mushroom soup, and Fuller's London Pride. Fabulous.

After the traditional Christmas Eve hoovering of the house, PK and I settled in to watch the Grinch and hoovered some ice cream. We briefly considered going to the pub for the Christmas Eve craic, but decided against it in the end. Kitty thanked us for our company by curling up on PK's lap. We also discovered that our turkey is not quite as thawed as we had hoped. Thankfully we have 12 hours or so to remedy that.

Now it's time to open a pressie: it's addressed to both of us from Santa via Auntie Hank. Off comes the paper, feels like a book, and it is: Whole Food, 300 recipes to restore, nourish, and delight. Thanks Auntie Hank, I mean, Santa! There's some good sounding stuff in here.

Now it's time to wander the 'hood and see what the neighbours are up to with decorations and the like. PK will be next on the Christmas blog play-by-play; so be sure to check out the pollybloggy. But not until tomorrow, when it will be Christmas!

Nollaig Shona!

PS, to all our little nieces and nephews, be sure to get to bed early! That way you can wake your folks up real early to open your presents! Tell them Uncle Slim said it was OK! Try a saucepan and big metal spoon to get the sleepy heads out of bed if they linger too long; they'll appreciate your attention.